Thursday, January 22, 2009

Battles with Geometry

This week was the start of a new semester, and with the start of a new semester comes new classes. But when you've been trying to get a da*n class done for a year and half, you do tend to get a little frustrated. It's not that its hard its just really boring, especially when you're sitting on the computer for four hours listening to a self-proclaimed aficionado. At one point, I don't know if she spent to much time in the tanning bed, but during the lecture she was bright red. When someone tends to burn that easily they use sun screen, but this lady she looked like she used cooking oil and put her face against a hot grill. I fear that if I don't get this class done soon I will be stuck there forever and I don't want that. I just need this math credit, plus a few others, and then I can hit the warm sandy beaches of Trappeto, Sicily.

I am contemplating signing up for online courses and doing it while in Sicily. My mom isn't to fond of the idea because she doesn't think I will be able to be away from home for to long. But dang it I'm going to be 19 when I graduate and I am ready to be pushed out of the nest! Usually its the mama bird pushing the baby bird out, in my case I'm trying to jump out but my mom is holding on to my ankles pulling me back in.

Anyways it's late and I've got one more day at H E double hockey my teacher says peace out boy scout...and then when I kindly remind him that I'm female...and was never in scouts...he says I'm a kill joy.

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