Saturday, February 14, 2009

Quite Possibly the biggest day ever...

Tomorrow is the final Derby della Madonnina of the 08/09 season. For those of you who don't know what the Derby della Madonnina is it's my favorite soccer team, AC Milan last chance at remaining in the italian soccer leagues title race. They will be playing their city rival, I spit at them, Inter. I haven't been this emotionally confused since the Kakagate (I really love that word) of January 2009. What a horrible few days that was, but I've already touched on that a few times so I will no longer bring it up.

I'm showing where my loyalty lies and clearly that with the red and black.

Yesterday at school while trying to avoid listening to the virtual teacher lecture about geometry I started chatting with one of then actual teacher in the classroom. I'm not particularly fond of this one but hey anything to break free from that virtual pain in butt. She comes up with the smart line "Well we don't want you hate geometry, so if you need a break switch classes for a bit." I laugh and reply, "to late that class is like my personal boogie man, I hate it and I hate math all together."

I think I might have offended her just a tad, you know being that she is a math teacher. Ahh, hell another reason for her to hate me; well at least I still have Shawn to annoy. I am utterly embarrassed that I had to log onto the schools website to find out what the correct spelling of his name is. Even after all those enthralling conversations we've had about GH and GHI.

I figure with how fast I'm working I should be done with that stupid class within the next few days, to bad we have vacation this week. I think this is the only time I've actually wished for school to not be closed. In part because my dad has been a real pest lately and also because I could be using this valuable time, that I'll be spending doing nothing finishing that stupid class. It's like a never ending damn circle, or my mom trying to make her way around a round a bout which is also like a never ending circle. I swear I hope she never has to navigate one of those without me, because she'd probably continue driving around and around and around, until someone showed her how to get off.

All this talk about geometry and driving in a circle is making me tired, or it could be the fact that it's 1:51 here. Anyways I've got my yellow submarines on tomorrow at 11:00 so it's time for me to get the hell out.

Peace out

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